Saturday, January 29, 2011

Father Gilbert Mystery 1: A Soul in Torment 2

When Louis Gilbert turned in his detective’s badge to become an Anglican priest, he thought his days of solving difficult mysteries were over. Now, as the vicar of an ancient church in a small English village, Gilbert finds himself at the center of one strange mystery after another. And he brings to each one his unique combination of street-wise smarts and spiritual intuition. In A Soul In Torment, Father Gilbert hears a confession of murder from a young man. But no murder has been committed, and the young man appears to have been a dream.
(Link to audio file)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Father Gilbert Mystery 1: A Soul in Torment 1

When Louis Gilbert turned in his detective’s badge to become an Anglican priest, he thought his days of solving difficult mysteries were over. Now, as the vicar of an ancient church in a small English village, Gilbert finds himself at the center of one strange mystery after another. And he brings to each one his unique combination of street-wise smarts and spiritual intuition. In A Soul In Torment, Father Gilbert hears a confession of murder from a young man. But no murder has been committed, and the young man appears to have been a dream.
(Link to audio file)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Luke Reports 1: Child of Promise 4

In first century Palestine, the physician Luke is on a mission to save the life of his friend Paul. His task: chronicling the life of a carpenter's son from Nazareth named Jesus. Luke searches for firsthand witnesses to the miracles and controversies surrounding the man they call "the Christ." Luke's travels take him through violent roads, and he encounters his own miracles along the way. Be an eyewitness to Luke's quest for the truth.
(Link to audio file)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Luke Reports 1: Child of Promise 3

In first century Palestine, the physician Luke is on a mission to save the life of his friend Paul. His task: chronicling the life of a carpenter's son from Nazareth named Jesus. Luke searches for firsthand witnesses to the miracles and controversies surrounding the man they call "the Christ." Luke's travels take him through violent roads, and he encounters his own miracles along the way. Be an eyewitness to Luke's quest for the truth.
(Link to audio file)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Luke Reports 1: Child of Promise 2

In first century Palestine, the physician Luke is on a mission to save the life of his friend Paul. His task: chronicling the life of a carpenter's son from Nazareth named Jesus. Luke searches for firsthand witnesses to the miracles and controversies surrounding the man they call "the Christ." Luke's travels take him through violent roads, and he encounters his own miracles along the way. Be an eyewitness to Luke's quest for the truth.
(Link to audio file)